Formação Guias de Apoio Blogue Serviço de Infoliteracia
These research tips are meant to help you in the research process. In that process you will need to improve your infoliteracy skills also known as information skills.
Infoliteracy is known as a toolset of information knowledge and skills related to the cycle of search and use of information. This cycle begins with the identification of the information need and goes on with the search, location, critical assessment, usage and communication of information in an efficient and ethical manner.
The cycle of search and use of information may be represented through five steps, each one associated to a infoliteracy skill such as shown below:
1. Before searching you need to think about the topic (which keywords best describe your topic?);
2. Which information sources will be most needed (which document types?);
3. What are the search strategies that assure you the best results are recovered? (boolean operators, etc.);
4. What criteria can help you assess the quality of information (critical thinking)? How to manage it (reference managers)?
5. How should information be communicated (ethically) considering the formal aspects of scientific writing and publishing?
In today’s complex information environment (with rapidly changing technology and exponential growth of information) infoliteracy skills are critical for your academic success!
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