Formação Guias de Apoio Blogue Serviço de Infoliteracia
At the library's website you can find a wide variety of quality information resources you can access to. Some will allow you to get updated information on bibliographic data of scientific journals and articles (bibliographic databases), while others will allow you to get full text publications. Hereby you will find some highlights on some of those resources, presented in each one of the referred categories.
The list bellow is just a sample of the bibliographic databases available. Please check the entire collection at the library's website through the link:
Bibliographic database of scholarly peer reviewed literature, including journal articles and conference papers, containing 54 million records. Being multidisciplinary, it covers areas such as science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts and humanities. It provides citation count and impact analysis.
Bibliographic database of scholarly peer reviewed literature. It is multidisciplinary and contains a volume of 55 million records. It includes journal articles and conference papers in science, social sciences, arts and humanities. It provides citation count and citations network exploration thus enabling easy access to relevant related information.
The following link provides you a list of publishers, directories, aggregators that gives you access to journals, some of which in open access:
é uma das coleções mais vastas de informação bibliográfica e em texto integral nas áreas da ciência, tecnologia e medicina. A subscrição atual permite o acesso ao texto integral de mais de 2.400 revistas científicas, a partir de 1995 e até ao presente.
This platform delivers full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics. Through our subscription, you can access IEEE journals, transactions and magazines, conference proceedings, etc., from 2005 to the present.
Bibliographic databases provide a wide coverage of publications from many different publishers. Therefore, they are a good starting point to search published and updated information on any research topic. This is particularly useful when you need to make a literature review.
Even though these systems do not aim at providing access to the full text link, they will give you access to it as long as it is subscribed by your university.