Formação Guias de Apoio Notícias Serviço de Infoliteracia
We are looking forward to meet you at our Library!
Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM to 7:30 PM
Weekends and Holidays: Closed.
During August: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Our library is committed to provide all users with a pleasant environment with the best conditions to study and work.
Goal – Help you get familiar with FEUP's Library in order to improve your academic experience by making it more successful and enjoyable.
Scope – Services, facilities and information resources provided by the Library are the main themes, bridged with information literacy skills so important in today’s informational context.
- Main services and facilities provided to the users;
- Useful information resources, in particular, books/ebooks and journals/e-journals, among others;
- Tips about research process, in particular, information literacy skills.
Phone: (+351) 225 081 890
In-person support: