Formação Guias de Apoio Notícias Serviço de Infoliteracia
O BibTeX é uma ferramenta e uma formatação de ficheiros que são usados para descrever e processar listas de referências bibliográficas em conjunto com documentos LaTeX.
O ficheiro BibTeX armazena todas as registos num ficheiro de texto com a extensão .bib. As referências podem ser citadas em documentos LaTeX e pode-se usar diversos estilos bibliográficos
As referências bibliográficas podem ser criadas manualmente no ficheiro bibTeX (.bib) mas é recomendável usar um gestor bibliográfico como o JabRef ou Zotero.
Os registos bibliográficos no BibTeX possuem uma estrutura específica e têm no primeiro campo o BibTexKey (@ReferenceType {BibTexKey
) que é crucial para citar o documento no LaTeX.
Exemplo de um registo bibliográfico de um Artigo Científico em BibTeX:
@Article{Chishtie2008, Title = {Renormalization group determination of the five-loop effective potential for massless scalar field theory}, Author = {Chishtie, F.A. and McKeon, D.G.C. and Steele, T.G.}, Journal = {Canadian Journal of Physics}, Year = {2008}, Volume = {86}, Number = {4}, Pages = {623-627}, |
As referências no formato .bib files devem conter o máximo de informação possível.
Entry Type |
Example |
Published journal article (online) |
@article{Senjian2015, author = {Senjian, An and Boussaid, Farid and Bennamoun, Mohammed and Sohel, Ferdous}, title = {Quantitative error analysis of bilateral filtering}, journal = IEEE_J_SPL, * See the box IEEE Abbreviations for Journals year = {2015}, volume = {22}, number = {2}, pages = {202-206}, month = sep, doi = {10.1109/LSP.2014.2353694}, url = {} }
Submitted journal article yet not accepted |
@article{Choy2015, author = {Choy, Wallace C. H. and Ren, Xingang}, title = {Instance generator and problem representation to improve object oriented code coverage}, journal = IEEE_J_JSTQE,* See the box IEEE Abbreviations for Journals year = {2015}, month = sept, note = {submitted for publication} }
Submitted journal article yet not accepted |
@unpublished{Choy2015a, author = {Choy, Wallace C. H. and Ren, Xingang}, title = {Instance generator and problem representation to improve object oriented code coverage}, year = {2015}, note = {submitted for publication} }
Journal article to be published, already available online |
Issue of a journal (in electronic format) | @periodical{IEEE2012, title = IEEE_J_AP, year = {2012}, volume = {60}, number = {4}, month = apr, url = {} } |
Printed book | @book{Boyce2002, author = {Boyce, William E. and DiPrima, Richard Clyde}, title = {Équations différentielles}, year = {2002}, publisher = {Chenelière}, address = {Montréal, QC} } |
Printed book, 7ª edição | @book{Brydson1999, author = {Brydson, J. A.}, title = {Plastics materials}, year = {1999}, publisher = {Butterworth-Heinemann}, address = {Oxford, UK}, edition = {Seventh} } |
Electronic book |
@book{Manasreh2011, author = {Manasreh, Omar}, title = {Introduction to Nanomaterials and Devices}, year = {2011}, publisher = {Wiley}, address = {Hoboken, NJ}, doi = {10.1002/9781118148419}, url = {} }
Electronic book, 3rd edition |
@book{Chen2009, editor = {Chen, Wai-Kai}, title = {Analog and {VLSI} Circuits: The Circuits and Filters Handbook}, year = {2009}, publisher = {{CRC} Press}, edition = {Third}, url = {} }
Chapter in an edited electronic book |
@incollection{Haist2014, author = {Haist, Tobias and Hasler, Malte and Osten, Wolfang and Baranek, Michal}, title = {Programmable microscopy}, booktitle = {Multi-dimensional Imaging}, editor = {Javidi, Bahram and Tajahuerce, Enrique and Andrés, Pedro}, year = {2014}, publisher = {{IEEE} Press-Wiley}, address = {Chichester, UK}, pages = {153-173}, doi = {10.1002/9781118705766}, url = {} }
Web page |
@electronic{Ordre2015, author = {{Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec}}, Use {} for an organisation as author title = {Rapport annuel 2014 - 2015}, year = {2015}, url = {} }
Software |
@electronic{Druide2012, author = {{Druide informatique}}, title = {Antidote {RX} (Version 8)}, year = {2012}, note = {Software}, url = {} }
Conference paper |
@inproceedings{Madani2010, author = {Madani, Nioosha and Guerrouj, Latifa and Di Penta, Massimiliano and Guéhéneuc, Yann-Gaël and Antoniol, Giuliano}, title = {Recognizing words from source code identifiers using speech recognition techniques}, booktitle = 14th European Conf. Softw. Maintenance Reeng. ({CSMR}), OR booktitle = TREMBLAY_CSMR,* See the box IEEE Abbreviations for Conferences year = {2010}, address = {Madrid, Spain}, month = mar, intype = {presented at the}, pages = {68-77}, doi = {10.1109/CSMR.2010.31}, url = {} } |
Technical report (in print) | @techreport{DeSantis2002, author = {De Santis, Romano Mario}, title = {Enhanced tuning of industrial controllers via a dual loop {pid} form}, institution = {Dép. de genie électrique, École Polytechnique de Montréal}, year = {2002}, address = {Montréal, QC}, number = {EPM/RT 01-06}, type = {Technical report} } |
%Technical report (in electronic format) |
Patent |
@patent{Thorsson2014, author = {Thorsson, Brynjolfur and Thorvaldsson, Bjorn and Asgeirsson, Asgeir}, title = {Tracing items through a non-sequential process}, nationality = {Canadian}, number = {2 634 408}, year = {2014}, month = {May 13}, yearfiled = {2006}, url = {}, howpublished = {Canadian Intellectual Property Office} }
Standard in print |
@standard{CSA2002, title = {ISO 14001 and Compliance in {C}anada}, number = {CSA PLUS 1162}, address = {Toronto, ON}, year = {2002} } |
Standard in electronic format |
@standard{Electrical2006, title = {{IEEE} Recommended Practice for Powering and Grounding Electronic Equipment}, number = {1100-2005}, year = {2006}, institution = {{IEEE}}, address = {Piscataway, NJ}, doi = {10.1109/IEEESTD.2006.216391}, url = {} }
Master's thesis |
@mastersthesis{Massicotte2013, author = {Massicotte, Geneviève}, title = {Biocapteur ampérométrique intégré pour une unité de détection dédiée aux neurotransmetteurs}, school = {École Polytechnique}, year = {2013}, address = {Montréal, QC}, type = {Master's thesis}, url = {} }
PhD dissertation |
@phdthesis{Rossi2011, author = {Rossi, Angelo}, title = {Securité dans les réseaux mobiles de nouvelle génération}, school = {École Polytechnique}, year = {2011}, address = {Montréal, QC}, type = {PhD dissertation}, url = {} }
Private communication |
@misc{Com2015, author = {Desjardins, Laurent}, year = {2015}, month = {May 13,}, note = {private communication} } |